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(Feb 2022) - A very generous man, Anthony Michael (Tony) Iannelli, had accumulated approximately $100,000 worth of medical equipment and supplies for the Bataille Ministry in Haiti when he unexpectedly passed away from COVID complications in August 2021. His wife passed away a month later with the same COVID complications. 
Tony's obituary:   HERE
Tony's wife's obituary:   HERE
Pastor Bataille’s daughter reached out to me to see if I could fundraise the money needed for shipping. (I first met the Bataille family on my visit to Haiti in 2010.) I agreed thinking 'how hard could this be?!
I was referred to the shipper Tony worked with in his business. We set the fundraising goal at $12,000, because the lowest shipping bid came in for just under $11,000. 
(Mar 2022) - We launched a GoFundMe page for donations. 
(Jul 2022) - We received $4,000 from Dr. Stephen Hansen (in Idaho), who had many connections in Haiti and frequently provided medical supplies to Haitian areas in need. Included in his donation was a trailer load of supplies to accompany our load of equipment. It was scheduled to be taken to Oklahoma on July 16.
| CLICK to learn more about Dr. Hansen and his family
(Aug 2022) - Dr. Hansen's son drove an 8'x12' trailer loaded with clothing, medical equipment, leg braces, water filters and more to Oklahoma. 
Pam Cronk, a special friend we met in Germany years ago, lived an hour from Okmulgee, Oklahoma. She provided me with contact information from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Sapulpa Ward in the Tulsa Oklahoma Stake was looking for a 9/11 anniversary service project and their leader, Bishop Nick Heinig, "just happened" to have experience in packing. He said that he had all the needed supplies and equipment and would take care of everything. Their group provided the manpower that packed and loaded a 53’ box truck that went to Florida on September 24.
I remember being amazed at how the Lord had orchestrated the coming together of all these different individuals. The receiving communities had no access to medical care and were eagerly awaiting this shipment.
There had also been $1,500 raised by a ministry in Oklahoma (and set aside) that was used to purchase additional items to fill the container -- things such as stethoscopes, blood pressure cuffs, etc. Other groups gathered clothes, shoes, toys, etc. for a nearby orphanage in need. We wanted to fill every empty spot in the shipping container.  
Eternal Life Clinic (in Oklahoma) kindly stored of Tony's medical equipment for Haiti at a no charge until everything fell into place.
(Aug 2022) - Upon arrival to Florida, we were informed that the shipping lanes in Haiti had been closed in late summer due to gang violence. We were required to put everything in storage; fortunately, all fees were waived.
(Dec 2022) - We launched a new website with a secure payment portal for donations .... .... We also became a registered 501(c)3 organization with the State of Idaho and established and/or reestablished our presence in social media. We can be found on Facebook,  Instagram,  TwitterYouTube and Pinterest
(Dec 2022) - The shipping lanes in Haiti reopened mid-December and we were able to take everything out of storage and load a shipping container. The process took two full days! We attempted to fundraise an additional $8,000 for the container to enter the shipping lanes. We were told that once there, the shipment would take another 3-4 days to arrive in Haiti, and then be transported to the area where Pastor Bataille and his family lived.
(Dec 31, 2022) - We were notified that the shipment container had unexpectedly left the shipping lanes in Florida at the end of December and had arrived in Port-au-Prince on this day. We had understood that the container wouldn't ship until the bill was paid in full and so we were taken by surprise. We were informed that the shipment would sit in Haiti's ports until the bill was paid. So, more efforts were made to fundraise the needed money. 
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